Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies — most effective

Physical activity

Begin treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, the most effective methods, according to the reviews of experienced professionals will be: exercise and proper diet, all the details are on this website. Prostatitis, its features, is an inflammatory disease and not bacteria. In this regard, the exercises improve blood circulation in the prostate is the most effective in the fight against the disease.

Squats are a weight-bearing leg lifts, scissors and other exercises for the lower body – this is all that is necessary to the treatment of this disease. Also, increases the efficiency of the treatment, you need to workout includes cardio exercises, such as running, jumping, work in the gym endurance, swimming and Cycling.

Popular recipes

Tincture of aspen of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in some recipes – second efficiency. However, it is used more often than the first, due to the fact that it is easier and don't have to work, and most importantly – delicious! In addition, not all people have the opportunity to play sports, because of any physical limitations or severe obesity.

The most popular are the recipes:

Tea with honey – it is necessary to completely abandon sugar, using diet only honey: 150-200 grams per day. This natural product improves urination, reduces pain and normalizes body;

  • Pumpkin – does not require a recipe, you just need to drink a glass of pumpkin juice a day to saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and trace elements. Also useful to eat fresh pumpkin seeds, without roasting, because they are composed of more amount of zinc needed men. Use in the diet of this plant should be more than one month;
  • Tincture of aspen – bark collected in the spring, the thickness of which is about 3-5 mm, so it is necessary to grind and pour the vodka, allowing to infuse for two weeks in a sealed light in the room. Drink 3-4 cups of the infusion, diluted with 1/4 part water;
  • Also useful to use is going to be: parsley, onion, garlic, dill, cranberry, ginger, and nuts.

Healing herbs

Wormwood and celandine – is easily available herbs, which very well help in the early stages of treatment, as they reduce pain, spasm and to help restore the urinary tract.

Wormwood can be used in a dry form, a pinch of herbs with water every meal. If there is still on hand, and thyme, you can make broth in a ratio such that the wormwood was 4 times more. Taken an hour before food for one month.

In the treatment of celandine, you need to get his juice and add a few drops in a glass of water. To drink such drinks in a day, you need at least 10.